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Watch – Conor McGregor gets in touch with nature ahead of his fight against Michael Chandler at UFC 303

Related Topics: Conor McGregor, Michael Chandler, UFC

Conor McGregor is a multi-millionaire, a two-time UFC world champion, a businessman, and a movie star. Now, you can add Tree Hugger to his resume.

Weeks away from his highly anticipated return to the Octagon on June 29, the Irish megastar shared a clip of himself getting in touch with nature, hugging some trees, and giving followers an unnecessarily long look at his bulge.

“I’ve been hugging the trees lately, it’s a nice little feeling yea,” McGregor says in the video originally posted on his Instagram stories.

Conor McGregor and unusual behavior tend to go hand-in-hand, but this is definitely a new one for the Irishman.